On June 14th, Studio Movie Grill rolled out the orange…yes, the orange carpet as they utilized a theme built around THE INCREDIBLES 2 to honor groundbreaking educator Lisa Schmidt of Creative Solutions and Big Thought. Co-Hosted by WFAA’s Alisha Laventure and featuring Incredibles cos-players, a giant golden ticket, free popcorn for attendees to enjoy and an audience of co-workers, colleagues, supporters, well-wishers, and of course – students, that filled two theaters, the third SMG Opening Hearts and Minds Award was a spectacular and oftentimes, emotional event.
The film world often honors directors, actors, technicians, even reality “stars” and more, but Studio Movie Grill’s OHAM Award reaches out and makes a point to shine a big spotlight on the people that make a difference in the day-to-day, the “glue” of the communities, the less heralded, but so very needed to help make things work. Student after student spoke during a tribute reel to Schmidt created for the occasion, and then following the ceremony, Schmidt literally stepped out of a photo shoot of her with Studio Movie Grill executives to corral a wayward student and usher him back into the theater where his evening’s guardian was. It was a telling and fitting moment exemplifying where her priorities are and how her eyes are always open and looking out for those under her watch.
Studio Movie Grill clearly chose wisely and demonstrated yet again the legitimacy of their work to benefit the communities that their theaters call home. It’s great to show movies and entertain us. It’s greater to actually demonstrate real caring and build a relationship with the people that choose your theater to go see the movies and enjoy them with their families, dates, etc.

Directing photos for Big Thought’s Byron Sanders (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Big Thought’s President and CEO, Byron Sanders (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Big Thought’s Board Chair Terri Simoni (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Big Thought’s Board Elect, Melora Leiser (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Byron Sanders being interviewed for B.A.M. Radio (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Byron Sanders on camera…phone (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Terri Simoni, Melora Leiser (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Terri Simoni and Melora Leiser being interviewed by B.A.M.’s Ali Carter (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

The 2018 Opening Hearts & Minds Award Honoree, Lisa Schmidt (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

WFAA’s Alisha Laventure (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

The real life Incredibles family: Mei Cotton, Michael Cotton, Lisa Schmidt, Kelly Cotton (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Mike Griffiths (Interim Exec DIR of Juvenile Services, Dallas County), Lisa Schmidt (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Lisa Schmidt in camera (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Lisa Schmidt being interviewed (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Creative Solutions panelists: Isrrael Tadeo, Lela Bell, and Bone Garcia (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Brian Schultz being photographed (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Studio Movie Grill’s Founder and CEO, Brian Schultz (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Shelby, Brian Schultz and family (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Terri Simoni, Brian Schultz, Melora Leiser being photographed (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Terri Simoni, Brian Schultz, Melora Leiser (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Brian Schultz, Lisa Schmidt (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Brian Schultz and the Creative Solutions panelists being interviewed (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

INCREDIBLES characters with B.A.M.’s Ali Carter (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

The honoree with her award and golden ticket: Big Thought’s Byron Sanders, SMG’s Brian Schultz, Lisa Schmidt, SMG’s Ted Croft, and WFAA’s Alisha Laventure (Photo by Lindsay Jones)

Lisa Schmidt getting some Incredible support (Photo by Lindsay Jones)