The Dallas International Film Festival featured Brett Haley, the director of THE HERO, on the red carpet, Saturday, April 1st at the Dallas City Performance Hall. But without his star, Sam Elliot, to protect him. Felix the Fox and the cast and crew and kids from INTO THE WHO KNOWS! took the whole thing over. Also joining on the carpet were 44 PAGES, A BAD IDEA GONE WRONG, CITY OF JOY, Katharine Houghton of GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER, THE RELATIONTRIP, THE SECRET LIFE OF LANCE LETSCHER, SUNSHINE AND RAIN, and SWEET, SWEET LONELY GIRL. Another full house and a full carpet!

Co-director/Co-screenwriter C.A. Gabriel and Co-director/Co-screenwriter/star Renée Felice Smith of THE RELATIONTRIP (Photo by Riley Pennell/Selig Polyscope Company)

THE RELATIONTRIP’s Co-director/Co-screenwriter C.A. Gabriel and Co-director/Co-screenwriter/star Renée Felice Smith pose with their poster (Photo by Riley Pennell/Selig Polyscope Company)

Co-director/Co-screenwriter C.A. Gabriel and Co-director/Co-screenwriter/star Renée Felice Smith of THE RELATIONTRIP being interviewed (Photo by Riley Pennell/Selig Polyscope Company)

The CITY OF JOY team: Susan Celia Swan, director Madeleine Gavin, the film’s subject, Christine Schuler Deschryver, and Sophie Gavin (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

A BAD IDEA GONE WRONG’s Red Sanders (PROD), Jason Headley (DIR/SCR), Will Rogers (CAST) (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

THE SECRET LIFE OF LANCE LETSCHER’s Jason Gamble Harter (DP), Sandra Adair (DIR), Kristi Frazier (PROD) (Photo by Riley Pennell/Selig Polyscope Company)

THE SECRET LIFE OF LANCE LETSCHER’s Jason Gamble Harter, Sandra Adair, and Kristi Frazier pose with their poster (Photo by Riley Pennell/Selig Polyscope Company)

Guess who’s coming to the red carpet?Special DIFF guest, Katharine Houghton of GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Brett Haley returns to DIFF with his latest film, THE HERO. (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Director/Screenwriter/Editor Vishnu Vallabhaneni (SUNSHINE AND RAIN) (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

The director and his muse: A.D. Calvo and Erin Wilhelmi of SWEET, SWEET LONELY GIRL (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Clint Dawson, Troy Bodley, and Jon Steinmeier (INTO THE WHO KNOWS!) (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Collin Jarvis, Brandon Espinosa, and Conrad Gonzales (INTO THE WHO KNOWS!) (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Lee Eddy, Buck, Delaney Wingrove, and Macon Blair (INTO THE WHO KNOWS!) (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)

Brittney Shepherd (Producer), miniature producer-in-training, Felix the Fox, Micah Barber (Director), Tony Faia (Screenwriter), and Nathaniel Pope (Associate Producer) of INTO THE WHO KNOWS! (Photo by Steve Duffy/Selig Polyscope Company)